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luaconf.h 21KB

  1. /*
  2. ** $Id: luaconf.h,v 1.259 2016/12/22 13:08:50 roberto Exp $
  3. ** Configuration file for Lua
  4. ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
  5. */
  6. #ifndef luaconf_h
  7. #define luaconf_h
  8. #include <limits.h>
  9. #include <stddef.h>
  10. /*
  11. ** ===================================================================
  12. ** Search for "@@" to find all configurable definitions.
  13. ** ===================================================================
  14. */
  15. /*
  16. ** {====================================================================
  17. ** System Configuration: macros to adapt (if needed) Lua to some
  18. ** particular platform, for instance compiling it with 32-bit numbers or
  19. ** restricting it to C89.
  20. ** =====================================================================
  21. */
  22. /*
  23. @@ LUA_32BITS enables Lua with 32-bit integers and 32-bit floats. You
  24. ** can also define LUA_32BITS in the make file, but changing here you
  25. ** ensure that all software connected to Lua will be compiled with the
  26. ** same configuration.
  27. */
  28. /* #define LUA_32BITS */
  29. /*
  30. @@ LUA_USE_C89 controls the use of non-ISO-C89 features.
  31. ** Define it if you want Lua to avoid the use of a few C99 features
  32. ** or Windows-specific features on Windows.
  33. */
  34. /* #define LUA_USE_C89 */
  35. /*
  36. ** By default, Lua on Windows use (some) specific Windows features
  37. */
  38. #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
  39. #define LUA_USE_WINDOWS /* enable goodies for regular Windows */
  40. #endif
  41. #if defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
  42. #define LUA_DL_DLL /* enable support for DLL */
  43. #define LUA_USE_C89 /* broadly, Windows is C89 */
  44. #endif
  45. #if defined(LUA_USE_LINUX)
  46. #define LUA_USE_POSIX
  47. #define LUA_USE_DLOPEN /* needs an extra library: -ldl */
  48. #define LUA_USE_READLINE /* needs some extra libraries */
  49. #endif
  50. #if defined(LUA_USE_MACOSX)
  51. #define LUA_USE_POSIX
  52. #define LUA_USE_DLOPEN /* MacOS does not need -ldl */
  53. #define LUA_USE_READLINE /* needs an extra library: -lreadline */
  54. #endif
  55. /*
  56. @@ LUA_C89_NUMBERS ensures that Lua uses the largest types available for
  57. ** C89 ('long' and 'double'); Windows always has '__int64', so it does
  58. ** not need to use this case.
  59. */
  60. #if defined(LUA_USE_C89) && !defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
  61. #define LUA_C89_NUMBERS
  62. #endif
  63. /*
  64. @@ LUAI_BITSINT defines the (minimum) number of bits in an 'int'.
  65. */
  66. /* avoid undefined shifts */
  67. #if ((INT_MAX >> 15) >> 15) >= 1
  68. #define LUAI_BITSINT 32
  69. #else
  70. /* 'int' always must have at least 16 bits */
  71. #define LUAI_BITSINT 16
  72. #endif
  73. /*
  74. @@ LUA_INT_TYPE defines the type for Lua integers.
  75. @@ LUA_FLOAT_TYPE defines the type for Lua floats.
  76. ** Lua should work fine with any mix of these options (if supported
  77. ** by your C compiler). The usual configurations are 64-bit integers
  78. ** and 'double' (the default), 32-bit integers and 'float' (for
  79. ** restricted platforms), and 'long'/'double' (for C compilers not
  80. ** compliant with C99, which may not have support for 'long long').
  81. */
  82. /* predefined options for LUA_INT_TYPE */
  83. #define LUA_INT_INT 1
  84. #define LUA_INT_LONG 2
  85. #define LUA_INT_LONGLONG 3
  86. /* predefined options for LUA_FLOAT_TYPE */
  87. #define LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT 1
  88. #define LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE 2
  89. #define LUA_FLOAT_LONGDOUBLE 3
  90. #if defined(LUA_32BITS) /* { */
  91. /*
  92. ** 32-bit integers and 'float'
  93. */
  94. #if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32 /* use 'int' if big enough */
  95. #define LUA_INT_TYPE LUA_INT_INT
  96. #else /* otherwise use 'long' */
  98. #endif
  100. #elif defined(LUA_C89_NUMBERS) /* }{ */
  101. /*
  102. ** largest types available for C89 ('long' and 'double')
  103. */
  104. #define LUA_INT_TYPE LUA_INT_LONG
  106. #endif /* } */
  107. /*
  108. ** default configuration for 64-bit Lua ('long long' and 'double')
  109. */
  110. #if !defined(LUA_INT_TYPE)
  112. #endif
  113. #if !defined(LUA_FLOAT_TYPE)
  115. #endif
  116. /* }================================================================== */
  117. /*
  118. ** {==================================================================
  119. ** Configuration for Paths.
  120. ** ===================================================================
  121. */
  122. /*
  123. ** LUA_PATH_SEP is the character that separates templates in a path.
  124. ** LUA_PATH_MARK is the string that marks the substitution points in a
  125. ** template.
  126. ** LUA_EXEC_DIR in a Windows path is replaced by the executable's
  127. ** directory.
  128. */
  129. #define LUA_PATH_SEP ";"
  130. #define LUA_PATH_MARK "?"
  131. #define LUA_EXEC_DIR "!"
  132. /*
  133. @@ LUA_PATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
  134. ** Lua libraries.
  135. @@ LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
  136. ** C libraries.
  137. ** CHANGE them if your machine has a non-conventional directory
  138. ** hierarchy or if you want to install your libraries in
  139. ** non-conventional directories.
  140. */
  142. #if defined(_WIN32) /* { */
  143. /*
  144. ** In Windows, any exclamation mark ('!') in the path is replaced by the
  145. ** path of the directory of the executable file of the current process.
  146. */
  147. #define LUA_LDIR "!\\lua\\"
  148. #define LUA_CDIR "!\\"
  149. #define LUA_SHRDIR "!\\..\\share\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\"
  150. #define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT \
  151. LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
  152. LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
  153. LUA_SHRDIR"?.lua;" LUA_SHRDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
  154. ".\\?.lua;" ".\\?\\init.lua"
  155. #define LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT \
  156. LUA_CDIR"?.dll;" \
  157. LUA_CDIR"..\\lib\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\?.dll;" \
  158. LUA_CDIR"loadall.dll;" ".\\?.dll"
  159. #else /* }{ */
  160. #define LUA_ROOT "/usr/local/"
  161. #define LUA_LDIR LUA_ROOT "share/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
  162. #define LUA_CDIR LUA_ROOT "lib/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
  163. #define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT \
  164. LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?/init.lua;" \
  165. LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?/init.lua;" \
  166. "./?.lua;" "./?/init.lua"
  167. #define LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT \
  168. LUA_CDIR"?.so;" LUA_CDIR"loadall.so;" "./?.so"
  169. #endif /* } */
  170. /*
  171. @@ LUA_DIRSEP is the directory separator (for submodules).
  172. ** CHANGE it if your machine does not use "/" as the directory separator
  173. ** and is not Windows. (On Windows Lua automatically uses "\".)
  174. */
  175. #if defined(_WIN32)
  176. #define LUA_DIRSEP "\\"
  177. #else
  178. #define LUA_DIRSEP "/"
  179. #endif
  180. /* }================================================================== */
  181. /*
  182. ** {==================================================================
  183. ** Marks for exported symbols in the C code
  184. ** ===================================================================
  185. */
  186. /*
  187. @@ LUA_API is a mark for all core API functions.
  188. @@ LUALIB_API is a mark for all auxiliary library functions.
  189. @@ LUAMOD_API is a mark for all standard library opening functions.
  190. ** CHANGE them if you need to define those functions in some special way.
  191. ** For instance, if you want to create one Windows DLL with the core and
  192. ** the libraries, you may want to use the following definition (define
  193. ** LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL to get it).
  194. */
  195. #if defined(LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL) /* { */
  196. #if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB) /* { */
  197. #define LUA_API __declspec(dllexport)
  198. #else /* }{ */
  199. #define LUA_API __declspec(dllimport)
  200. #endif /* } */
  201. #else /* }{ */
  202. #define LUA_API extern
  203. #endif /* } */
  204. /* more often than not the libs go together with the core */
  205. #define LUALIB_API LUA_API
  206. #define LUAMOD_API LUALIB_API
  207. /*
  208. @@ LUAI_FUNC is a mark for all extern functions that are not to be
  209. ** exported to outside modules.
  210. @@ LUAI_DDEF and LUAI_DDEC are marks for all extern (const) variables
  211. ** that are not to be exported to outside modules (LUAI_DDEF for
  212. ** definitions and LUAI_DDEC for declarations).
  213. ** CHANGE them if you need to mark them in some special way. Elf/gcc
  214. ** (versions 3.2 and later) mark them as "hidden" to optimize access
  215. ** when Lua is compiled as a shared library. Not all elf targets support
  216. ** this attribute. Unfortunately, gcc does not offer a way to check
  217. ** whether the target offers that support, and those without support
  218. ** give a warning about it. To avoid these warnings, change to the
  219. ** default definition.
  220. */
  221. #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__*100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 302) && \
  222. defined(__ELF__) /* { */
  223. #define LUAI_FUNC __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) extern
  224. #else /* }{ */
  225. #define LUAI_FUNC extern
  226. #endif /* } */
  227. #define LUAI_DDEC LUAI_FUNC
  228. #define LUAI_DDEF /* empty */
  229. /* }================================================================== */
  230. /*
  231. ** {==================================================================
  232. ** Compatibility with previous versions
  233. ** ===================================================================
  234. */
  235. /*
  236. @@ LUA_COMPAT_5_2 controls other macros for compatibility with Lua 5.2.
  237. @@ LUA_COMPAT_5_1 controls other macros for compatibility with Lua 5.1.
  238. ** You can define it to get all options, or change specific options
  239. ** to fit your specific needs.
  240. */
  241. #if defined(LUA_COMPAT_5_2) /* { */
  242. /*
  243. @@ LUA_COMPAT_MATHLIB controls the presence of several deprecated
  244. ** functions in the mathematical library.
  245. */
  246. #define LUA_COMPAT_MATHLIB
  247. /*
  248. @@ LUA_COMPAT_BITLIB controls the presence of library 'bit32'.
  249. */
  250. #define LUA_COMPAT_BITLIB
  251. /*
  252. @@ LUA_COMPAT_IPAIRS controls the effectiveness of the __ipairs metamethod.
  253. */
  254. #define LUA_COMPAT_IPAIRS
  255. /*
  256. @@ LUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS controls the presence of macros for
  257. ** manipulating other integer types (lua_pushunsigned, lua_tounsigned,
  258. ** luaL_checkint, luaL_checklong, etc.)
  259. */
  261. #endif /* } */
  262. #if defined(LUA_COMPAT_5_1) /* { */
  263. /* Incompatibilities from 5.2 -> 5.3 */
  264. #define LUA_COMPAT_MATHLIB
  266. /*
  267. @@ LUA_COMPAT_UNPACK controls the presence of global 'unpack'.
  268. ** You can replace it with 'table.unpack'.
  269. */
  270. #define LUA_COMPAT_UNPACK
  271. /*
  272. @@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADERS controls the presence of table 'package.loaders'.
  273. ** You can replace it with 'package.searchers'.
  274. */
  275. #define LUA_COMPAT_LOADERS
  276. /*
  277. @@ macro 'lua_cpcall' emulates deprecated function lua_cpcall.
  278. ** You can call your C function directly (with light C functions).
  279. */
  280. #define lua_cpcall(L,f,u) \
  281. (lua_pushcfunction(L, (f)), \
  282. lua_pushlightuserdata(L,(u)), \
  283. lua_pcall(L,1,0,0))
  284. /*
  285. @@ LUA_COMPAT_LOG10 defines the function 'log10' in the math library.
  286. ** You can rewrite 'log10(x)' as 'log(x, 10)'.
  287. */
  288. #define LUA_COMPAT_LOG10
  289. /*
  290. @@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADSTRING defines the function 'loadstring' in the base
  291. ** library. You can rewrite 'loadstring(s)' as 'load(s)'.
  292. */
  294. /*
  295. @@ LUA_COMPAT_MAXN defines the function 'maxn' in the table library.
  296. */
  297. #define LUA_COMPAT_MAXN
  298. /*
  299. @@ The following macros supply trivial compatibility for some
  300. ** changes in the API. The macros themselves document how to
  301. ** change your code to avoid using them.
  302. */
  303. #define lua_strlen(L,i) lua_rawlen(L, (i))
  304. #define lua_objlen(L,i) lua_rawlen(L, (i))
  305. #define lua_equal(L,idx1,idx2) lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPEQ)
  306. #define lua_lessthan(L,idx1,idx2) lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPLT)
  307. /*
  308. @@ LUA_COMPAT_MODULE controls compatibility with previous
  309. ** module functions 'module' (Lua) and 'luaL_register' (C).
  310. */
  311. #define LUA_COMPAT_MODULE
  312. #endif /* } */
  313. /*
  314. @@ LUA_COMPAT_FLOATSTRING makes Lua format integral floats without a
  315. @@ a float mark ('.0').
  316. ** This macro is not on by default even in compatibility mode,
  317. ** because this is not really an incompatibility.
  318. */
  319. /* #define LUA_COMPAT_FLOATSTRING */
  320. /* }================================================================== */
  321. /*
  322. ** {==================================================================
  323. ** Configuration for Numbers.
  324. ** Change these definitions if no predefined LUA_FLOAT_* / LUA_INT_*
  325. ** satisfy your needs.
  326. ** ===================================================================
  327. */
  328. /*
  329. @@ LUA_NUMBER is the floating-point type used by Lua.
  330. @@ LUAI_UACNUMBER is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
  331. @@ over a floating number.
  332. @@ l_mathlim(x) corrects limit name 'x' to the proper float type
  333. ** by prefixing it with one of FLT/DBL/LDBL.
  334. @@ LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for writing floats.
  335. @@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing floats.
  336. @@ lua_number2str converts a float to a string.
  337. @@ l_mathop allows the addition of an 'l' or 'f' to all math operations.
  338. @@ l_floor takes the floor of a float.
  339. @@ lua_str2number converts a decimal numeric string to a number.
  340. */
  341. /* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
  342. #define l_floor(x) (l_mathop(floor)(x))
  343. #define lua_number2str(s,sz,n) \
  344. l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (LUAI_UACNUMBER)(n))
  345. /*
  346. @@ lua_numbertointeger converts a float number to an integer, or
  347. ** returns 0 if float is not within the range of a lua_Integer.
  348. ** (The range comparisons are tricky because of rounding. The tests
  349. ** here assume a two-complement representation, where MININTEGER always
  350. ** has an exact representation as a float; MAXINTEGER may not have one,
  351. ** and therefore its conversion to float may have an ill-defined value.)
  352. */
  353. #define lua_numbertointeger(n,p) \
  354. ((n) >= (LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
  355. (n) < -(LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
  356. (*(p) = (LUA_INTEGER)(n), 1))
  357. /* now the variable definitions */
  358. #if LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT /* { single float */
  359. #define LUA_NUMBER float
  360. #define l_mathlim(n) (FLT_##n)
  361. #define LUAI_UACNUMBER double
  362. #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN ""
  363. #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.7g"
  364. #define l_mathop(op) op##f
  365. #define lua_str2number(s,p) strtof((s), (p))
  366. #elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_LONGDOUBLE /* }{ long double */
  367. #define LUA_NUMBER long double
  368. #define l_mathlim(n) (LDBL_##n)
  369. #define LUAI_UACNUMBER long double
  370. #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN "L"
  371. #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.19Lg"
  372. #define l_mathop(op) op##l
  373. #define lua_str2number(s,p) strtold((s), (p))
  374. #elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE /* }{ double */
  375. #define LUA_NUMBER double
  376. #define l_mathlim(n) (DBL_##n)
  377. #define LUAI_UACNUMBER double
  378. #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN ""
  379. #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.14g"
  380. #define l_mathop(op) op
  381. #define lua_str2number(s,p) strtod((s), (p))
  382. #else /* }{ */
  383. #error "numeric float type not defined"
  384. #endif /* } */
  385. /*
  386. @@ LUA_INTEGER is the integer type used by Lua.
  387. **
  388. @@ LUA_UNSIGNED is the unsigned version of LUA_INTEGER.
  389. **
  390. @@ LUAI_UACINT is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
  391. @@ over a lUA_INTEGER.
  392. @@ LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for reading/writing integers.
  393. @@ LUA_INTEGER_FMT is the format for writing integers.
  394. @@ LUA_MAXINTEGER is the maximum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
  395. @@ LUA_MININTEGER is the minimum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
  396. @@ lua_integer2str converts an integer to a string.
  397. */
  398. /* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
  401. #define lua_integer2str(s,sz,n) \
  402. l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_INTEGER_FMT, (LUAI_UACINT)(n))
  403. /*
  404. ** use LUAI_UACINT here to avoid problems with promotions (which
  405. ** can turn a comparison between unsigneds into a signed comparison)
  406. */
  407. #define LUA_UNSIGNED unsigned LUAI_UACINT
  408. /* now the variable definitions */
  409. #if LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_INT /* { int */
  410. #define LUA_INTEGER int
  411. #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN ""
  414. #elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONG /* }{ long */
  415. #define LUA_INTEGER long
  416. #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "l"
  419. #elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONGLONG /* }{ long long */
  420. /* use presence of macro LLONG_MAX as proxy for C99 compliance */
  421. #if defined(LLONG_MAX) /* { */
  422. /* use ISO C99 stuff */
  423. #define LUA_INTEGER long long
  424. #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "ll"
  427. #elif defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS) /* }{ */
  428. /* in Windows, can use specific Windows types */
  429. #define LUA_INTEGER __int64
  430. #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "I64"
  431. #define LUA_MAXINTEGER _I64_MAX
  432. #define LUA_MININTEGER _I64_MIN
  433. #else /* }{ */
  434. #error "Compiler does not support 'long long'. Use option '-DLUA_32BITS' \
  435. or '-DLUA_C89_NUMBERS' (see file 'luaconf.h' for details)"
  436. #endif /* } */
  437. #else /* }{ */
  438. #error "numeric integer type not defined"
  439. #endif /* } */
  440. /* }================================================================== */
  441. /*
  442. ** {==================================================================
  443. ** Dependencies with C99 and other C details
  444. ** ===================================================================
  445. */
  446. /*
  447. @@ l_sprintf is equivalent to 'snprintf' or 'sprintf' in C89.
  448. ** (All uses in Lua have only one format item.)
  449. */
  450. #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
  451. #define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i) snprintf(s,sz,f,i)
  452. #else
  453. #define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i) ((void)(sz), sprintf(s,f,i))
  454. #endif
  455. /*
  456. @@ lua_strx2number converts an hexadecimal numeric string to a number.
  457. ** In C99, 'strtod' does that conversion. Otherwise, you can
  458. ** leave 'lua_strx2number' undefined and Lua will provide its own
  459. ** implementation.
  460. */
  461. #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
  462. #define lua_strx2number(s,p) lua_str2number(s,p)
  463. #endif
  464. /*
  465. @@ lua_number2strx converts a float to an hexadecimal numeric string.
  466. ** In C99, 'sprintf' (with format specifiers '%a'/'%A') does that.
  467. ** Otherwise, you can leave 'lua_number2strx' undefined and Lua will
  468. ** provide its own implementation.
  469. */
  470. #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
  471. #define lua_number2strx(L,b,sz,f,n) \
  472. ((void)L, l_sprintf(b,sz,f,(LUAI_UACNUMBER)(n)))
  473. #endif
  474. /*
  475. ** 'strtof' and 'opf' variants for math functions are not valid in
  476. ** C89. Otherwise, the macro 'HUGE_VALF' is a good proxy for testing the
  477. ** availability of these variants. ('math.h' is already included in
  478. ** all files that use these macros.)
  479. */
  480. #if defined(LUA_USE_C89) || (defined(HUGE_VAL) && !defined(HUGE_VALF))
  481. #undef l_mathop /* variants not available */
  482. #undef lua_str2number
  483. #define l_mathop(op) (lua_Number)op /* no variant */
  484. #define lua_str2number(s,p) ((lua_Number)strtod((s), (p)))
  485. #endif
  486. /*
  487. @@ LUA_KCONTEXT is the type of the context ('ctx') for continuation
  488. ** functions. It must be a numerical type; Lua will use 'intptr_t' if
  489. ** available, otherwise it will use 'ptrdiff_t' (the nearest thing to
  490. ** 'intptr_t' in C89)
  491. */
  492. #define LUA_KCONTEXT ptrdiff_t
  493. #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && \
  494. __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
  495. #include <stdint.h>
  496. #if defined(INTPTR_MAX) /* even in C99 this type is optional */
  497. #undef LUA_KCONTEXT
  498. #define LUA_KCONTEXT intptr_t
  499. #endif
  500. #endif
  501. /*
  502. @@ lua_getlocaledecpoint gets the locale "radix character" (decimal point).
  503. ** Change that if you do not want to use C locales. (Code using this
  504. ** macro must include header 'locale.h'.)
  505. */
  506. #if !defined(lua_getlocaledecpoint)
  507. #define lua_getlocaledecpoint() (localeconv()->decimal_point[0])
  508. #endif
  509. /* }================================================================== */
  510. /*
  511. ** {==================================================================
  512. ** Language Variations
  513. ** =====================================================================
  514. */
  515. /*
  516. @@ LUA_NOCVTN2S/LUA_NOCVTS2N control how Lua performs some
  517. ** coercions. Define LUA_NOCVTN2S to turn off automatic coercion from
  518. ** numbers to strings. Define LUA_NOCVTS2N to turn off automatic
  519. ** coercion from strings to numbers.
  520. */
  521. /* #define LUA_NOCVTN2S */
  522. /* #define LUA_NOCVTS2N */
  523. /*
  524. @@ LUA_USE_APICHECK turns on several consistency checks on the C API.
  525. ** Define it as a help when debugging C code.
  526. */
  527. #if defined(LUA_USE_APICHECK)
  528. #include <assert.h>
  529. #define luai_apicheck(l,e) assert(e)
  530. #endif
  531. /* }================================================================== */
  532. /*
  533. ** {==================================================================
  534. ** Macros that affect the API and must be stable (that is, must be the
  535. ** same when you compile Lua and when you compile code that links to
  536. ** Lua). You probably do not want/need to change them.
  537. ** =====================================================================
  538. */
  539. /*
  540. @@ LUAI_MAXSTACK limits the size of the Lua stack.
  541. ** CHANGE it if you need a different limit. This limit is arbitrary;
  542. ** its only purpose is to stop Lua from consuming unlimited stack
  543. ** space (and to reserve some numbers for pseudo-indices).
  544. */
  545. #if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32
  546. #define LUAI_MAXSTACK 1000000
  547. #else
  548. #define LUAI_MAXSTACK 15000
  549. #endif
  550. /*
  551. @@ LUA_EXTRASPACE defines the size of a raw memory area associated with
  552. ** a Lua state with very fast access.
  553. ** CHANGE it if you need a different size.
  554. */
  555. #define LUA_EXTRASPACE (sizeof(void *))
  556. /*
  557. @@ LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source
  558. @@ of a function in debug information.
  559. ** CHANGE it if you want a different size.
  560. */
  561. #define LUA_IDSIZE 60
  562. /*
  563. @@ LUAL_BUFFERSIZE is the buffer size used by the lauxlib buffer system.
  564. ** CHANGE it if it uses too much C-stack space. (For long double,
  565. ** 'string.format("%.99f", -1e4932)' needs 5034 bytes, so a
  566. ** smaller buffer would force a memory allocation for each call to
  567. ** 'string.format'.)
  568. */
  570. #define LUAL_BUFFERSIZE 8192
  571. #else
  572. #define LUAL_BUFFERSIZE ((int)(0x80 * sizeof(void*) * sizeof(lua_Integer)))
  573. #endif
  574. /* }================================================================== */
  575. /*
  576. @@ LUA_QL describes how error messages quote program elements.
  577. ** Lua does not use these macros anymore; they are here for
  578. ** compatibility only.
  579. */
  580. #define LUA_QL(x) "'" x "'"
  581. #define LUA_QS LUA_QL("%s")
  582. /* =================================================================== */
  583. /*
  584. ** Local configuration. You can use this space to add your redefinitions
  585. ** without modifying the main part of the file.
  586. */
  587. #endif